Child-Centered Family Session

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What to Expect in a Child-Centered Family Session

Do you feel disconnected or distant from your child? Are you, or your child, distressed and having trouble thriving? Is your child often sick or injured repeatedly?

Somanautiko’s Resilient Families Program helps adults and children connect more successfully with each other when there has been a disruption to these primary relationships. This approach is for families who are experiencing difficulty becoming or staying pregnant, or families who have had a challenging pregnancy, birth experience, or other issues that reveal themselves during the early parenting years.

The Resilient Families Program addresses challenges, including:

  • depression or anxiety in pregnancy or postpartum
  • IVF conception journeys
  • premature birth
  • a difficult birth experience
  • NICU or early hospitalizations
  • adoption
  • illness of either parent and/or baby
  • death within the close family circle
  • separation or divorce
  • any other significant stress that impacts a parent, baby or child

Children who were stressed during birth, or separated from their primary caregiver following birth, grieve and show signs of distress.

Distress in children can look like: difficulty establishing breastfeeding, sleep disruptions, digestive issues, tentative movement style or a lack of body control, tension, acting out, shutting down, spacing out, raging, frequent anxiety, depression, delays in development and learning, and frequent illness or injury.

Just as with my sessions with big people, my sessions with little people take on many different shapes. Sometimes a session looks like an adult bodywork session on a treatment table but more likely the child will choose to have the session while playing on the floor or in a caregiver’s lap. It all depends on what your child is ready for in any given session.

I work with the whole child and the whole family. That does not mean that an entire family will need to be physically present in the room for every session but it does mean that all members of the family are included in my awareness when I work with any member of your family. It is my experience that everyone in a family system benefits when someone, particularly children and primary caregivers, receive care. In my experience, often the needs that the littlest, or loudest, member expresses can bring attention to issues that affect the whole family.

I translate for a body when it speaks louder than words.

Everyone wants to be listened to. I will listen to your little one’s strengths, perspectives and unique expressions of their experience. I will honor their hurts and their ability to recover, celebrate, and do magic. I want to help them claim a sense of safety, belonging, curiosity, connection, and joy that comes from living in a body without fear. I offer holistic healthcare education so everyone can enjoy being in their bodies. I will help translate for you the ways in which your child may powerfully and primarily communicate with me, most often without words. I will help you become more confident in your own translation skills so that the work that we start in our sessions together becomes a part of daily family life and play, building the tools everyone needs to become healthier people and more resilient families.

Somanautiko’s Resilient Families Program responds to changing developmental needs:

  • Prenatal Health and Family Preparation
  • IVF and Adoption Support
  • Welcoming Newborns – The Fourth Trimester
  • Infants and Toddlers in years 1-5
  • Children in years 6-10
  • Pre-Teens and Teenagers

There does not need to be anything “wrong”  in order for someone to receive care. Somanautiko is well-suited for proactive families who want to support the innate strengths and enhance the inherent health and resiliency of any member, or the family as a whole, as you navigate the ever-changing landscapes of life.