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What to Expect in Your Individual
Somanautiko seeks to locate the source of whatever issue brings you to seek support and care. Through active, full-body listening and shared participation in our sessions, you and I will explore the depths of what is happening in each moment. This is a “we do” kind of process. This is not a quick-fix body repair shop. Each session begins during our time together and will continue to unfold in the days after. The benefits are maximized by the level of commitment you make to your own self-awareness and self-care during each interval between sessions.
In my experience, it takes a lot of sustained effort, focus, and time for each of us to be well in our lives. Our bodies and minds require constant awareness and loving engagement to thrive. How much you bring to your process is how much you will get out of it.
Are you ready to prioritize your own health and wellness?
I live a philosophy of work as deep play. This means that what I choose to devote my time, energy and attention to should be both pleasurable and in support of my thriving as a human being. This does not mean that what I choose to work with is always easy or comfortable. I take great pleasure in meeting life’s challenges in ways that allow me to see them as the learning and growth opportunities they most likely are. This takes skill that only experience gives me. I am always learning and becoming more skilled. I do not expect you to have mastered the skills that you have to learn to meet your challenges before we start our work together. In fact, I expect that I have a lot to learn from you. One of the first things we will identify are the areas of strength you possess and the tools you already have to use as resources while you learn to be present with the areas of yourself that are difficult and need more support. I am here as a guide and a companion on this journey. Humans, as social animals, are not designed to do life’s work alone.
Starting before birth we need to feel safe and loved. This is our first developmental task and this work is done before our brains are using verbal language. In addition, we need other people who can reflect back our true essence in order to be able to sense ourselves and live most fully in our bodies. This is what I will strive to do with you. In our session I will create a safe space for you to settle into so that you have a protected time and space to be with yourself and rediscover the subtle movements, sensations, and deeper feelings that get lost in the noise and fast pace of modern life. In this protected time and space you will be invited to step out of fear and survival mode so you can explore the deeper questions and longings of your body-mind that most often try to get our attention through discomfort, pain, or distress. We need time to recover. We need to establish good sleep habits to be truly healthy.
You do not have to know what is “going on” with you in order to benefit from a session with me. You do not have to have something “wrong,” “hurt,” or “broken” to be in need of connection, compassion, and care. My goal in our work together is to help you find connection, compassion and care for your own experience of living in your body. It is not always easy and there is a lot to be curious about when we can stop being afraid of it.
I also want to make sure that you have access to the deepest medicine – the ways your body has of caring for itself through self-awareness, innate movement choices, and vast knowledge of everything that nourishes your body, mind and spirit. This is your birthright. Again, this is not a “quick-fix” body shop. It takes a lot of sustained effort, focus, and time for each of us to be well in our lives. Our bodies and minds require constant awareness and loving engagement in order to thrive, not just merely survive. Are you ready to thrive?