
What to Expect in a Continuum Class or Workshop

In a Continuum class, space is created for exploration with the offering of an idea, an image, or a theme.  A sequence of simple movements, breaths and sounds serves as a catalyst for the exploration of the theme, image or idea; this is called a “dive”.  Individuals explore the dive material at their own pace,…
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03/18/2018 0

Finding My Professional Path

A knee injury I sustained in performance as a young dancer taught me intimately about the body’s amazing ability to heal itself from trauma, lessons only serious illness or injury can teach. It also awakened the life-changing question: “Why did this happen?” This insatiable inquiry led me to a desire to deeply study anatomy and…
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03/07/2018 0

Compassionate Listening

Somanautiko is designed to meet the needs of any human at any developmental stage in the life cycle: CONCEPTION & BIRTH EARLY CHILDHOOD PARENTING or CARE-GIVING COMING OF AGE TRANSITIONS: CHANGE & TRANSFORMATION MIDLIFE & MENOPAUSE VULNERABILITY & THE AGING BODY INJURY & LOSS GRACE IN DYING Somanautiko is designed to empower you to compassionately…
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08/17/2017 0