
Exploring Uncertain Terrain

You want to feel more connected. There is something about how you feel in your life, in your body, in your relationships, that isn’t quite right–if only you had a way to describe this uncomfortable place. Perhaps you feel stuck and there is no sense of flow, or ease, in your life. Perhaps you are…
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05/22/2018 0

Change is the Only Constant

When we bring into movement what is bound or stuck, we have more choices. Having more choices increases the resiliency of our organisms. When we allow the innate intelligence of our body-mind to express itself through fluid movement, we increase our capacity to handle transitions and change. When our body-mind is allowed to move, there…
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03/20/2018 0

What to Expect in a Continuum Class or Workshop

In a Continuum class, space is created for exploration with the offering of an idea, an image, or a theme.  A sequence of simple movements, breaths and sounds serves as a catalyst for the exploration of the theme, image or idea; this is called a “dive”.  Individuals explore the dive material at their own pace,…
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03/18/2018 0

Finding My Professional Path

A knee injury I sustained in performance as a young dancer taught me intimately about the body’s amazing ability to heal itself from trauma, lessons only serious illness or injury can teach. It also awakened the life-changing question: “Why did this happen?” This insatiable inquiry led me to a desire to deeply study anatomy and…
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03/07/2018 0