Embracing the Sacred Symbol of the Chambered Nautilus

Embracing the Sacred Symbol of the Chambered Nautilus

09/03/2018 Somanautiko 0

The Chambered Nautilus is a living fossil that has survived in Earth’s oceans for over 500 million years. After 12 months gestation, it hatches from an egg, already in a shell with four chambers (like the human heart), and slowly matures over 16 years. It grows a new chamber in its spiraled shell every time its octopus-like body gets bigger. It fills the outgrown chamber with air and seals it off to use for buoyancy in its daily journey from the depths of the ocean to the surface to feed and back down again. Each chamber is a revolution of the spiral which is a completion of a phase in its evolution. Every chamber evolves within the sacred geometry of the Golden Mean as it spirals from the center outward – just like our own DNA and the very cosmos we live in.

I chose this ancient creature to be the symbol for Somanautiko because of how its spiraled shell invites us to consider the unfolding mysteries of life. I chose to call upon the ancient wisdom embodied in this living creature that shows us how to survive by diving deep and still keep ourselves light enough to come to the surface to meet what is in front of us. I believe that the human experience, like the nautilus shell, is an ever-growing spiral that allows us to build on our past experiences in order to meet and learn from the demands of the present moment.

Somanautiko offers creative tools to assist you on the journey of your life and explore what it means to become more aware and embodied along the way. Contact Megan to set up a private session today!

To read more, click here: Sacred Geometry of the Nautilus Shell