Why Water?

Why Water?

09/22/2021 Continuum Embodied SelfCare Somanautiko Transition 0

Why Water?

We are water. Our bodies take form in water. At birth, we journey out of the water onto land where we contain an inner ocean in every cell. Water is what sustains all life on earth. We cannot separate our bodies from the bodies of water on this planet. Humans even scour the universe for other signs of life in other places – evidence of water – to show us where we might be able to go.

Embodying these elemental truths, and living like water, is at the center of my professional and personal practices. To help people understand the interconnections between the health of the planet’s water bodies and the health of human bodies and communities has never been more urgent a mission. Will you join me?

When we prioritize healthy Water for all, all of Life benefits and no one is left behind.

Today, human abuse of Water is among the leading causes of war, conflict, poverty, disease, species extinction and ecosystem collapse. By focusing our collective attention and resources on healing our relationship with Water, we will inevitably deepen our understanding about:

  • our interconnectedness with all of Life

  • how to protect and nourish the conditions for Life to thrive

  • how to strengthen our individual and collective immune systems

  • holistic health and whole-system healing wisdom

  • our individual and collective accountability for the health of the whole

  • how to co-create and transition to new and life-enriching social systems

  • responsible stewardship of all Life

Healthy and abundant Water for all leads to healthy ecosystems, healthy food systems, healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy cultures. When we learn to live in right relationship with Water, we learn to live in right relationship with all of Life. Ultimately, by re-learning and exploring our sacred, primordial connection we also create the cultural conditions to with Water This collective focus on Water-centered process will in turn catalyze a self-organizing transformation of our social systems to re-align with the principles of healthy living systems.

My life’s work naturally aligns with the vision and proposed projects of Shelley Ostroff and her partner Jan Golding and their Codes for a Healthy Earth. Shelley was deeply inspired by her time spent with Emilie learning Continuum in the Galilee. Emilie, alongside Dr. Masaru Emoto and Standing Rock, are the three tributes for this World Water Year.

My clients and students are already engaging in this World Water Law Movement by carrying Continuum into the world through our embodying and consciously living within the Field Effect of water.

TRUTH: You only have to fully be who you are to revitalize water in the world.

To learn more about World Water Day, World Water Year 2021 & the proposal for a World Water Law, please CLICK HERE