Exploring Uncertain Terrain

Exploring Uncertain Terrain

05/22/2018 Somanautiko 0

You want to feel more connected.

There is something about how you feel in your life, in your body, in your relationships, that isn’t quite right–if only you had a way to describe this uncomfortable place.

Perhaps you feel stuck and there is no sense of flow, or ease, in your life. Perhaps you are in pain. Perhaps you live in fear. Perhaps you feel heavy, exhausted and depleted. Perhaps events from the past, or worries about the future, constantly interrupt your ability to be in present time. Perhaps you feel disconnected from your true self and your relationships aren’t thriving and giving back what you need to receive.

What would it be like to explore this uncertain terrain with someone who has traveled through similarly difficult places herself and can compassionately guide you through your journey? A Somanaut can help you explore your own embodiment as you learn to develop and trust your intuition.

There is something that happens when someone “gets” what you are saying, when someone “gets” you. It just feels right. You feel less confused. You can think more clearly again. You begin to sense that you are a part of something that is bigger than yourself. You want more of that connection – with self, with other, with your body, with the world around you.

This delicious feeling of being connected is Somanautiko. Somanautiko is a way to explore living in connection rather than isolation. Somanautiko is a way to discover what it means to live fully in a human body. That feeling of connection is your compass. That feeling of connection is your birthright.