OMEGA 2024 Continuum: The Art of Breathing

OMEGA 2024 Continuum: The Art of Breathing

05/22/2024 Continuum Intensive Programs Performances Somanautiko Workshops 0

Will you take a walk into awe with me at Omega this July?

The awe-walk begins with a journey down the path to Stillwater, a sanctuary cradled by lush quiet green – Long Pond Lake shining through the trees. Then as you enter the simple beauty of the gathering space you will experience a sense of arrival – welcomed with open arms and bright smiles – to the home of your beingness.

Unconditional acceptance and the warmth of genuine welcome will help you slide into your place in the opening circle as if you have always been here, or never left. There are no words to adequately describe what will happen next: you are awash with the vibrations of shared voices, contained by something far bigger than yourself, caught in a swell of sound filling your senses – will you laugh or cry from the pure pleasure of it?

There is truly nothing like it.

“Omega combines the opportunity for contemplative deep learning with the spirit of being a youngster in summer camp. It’s a magical environment for discovery and transformation.” ~ Bonnie Gintis

Emptiness saturates our culture. Addictions, consumption, and materialism are pervasive symptoms of our cultural disconnection. They are our attempts to escape, or cope, with the unbearable feelings of barrenness, separation, and isolation far too many of us struggle with.

When there’s sustained absence of community to create a container, to hold a sense of interconnected We, individuals adapt, attempting to create this container in themselves. Rarely, however, do these Me spaces allow any of us to walk deep enough into the cave of our experience, to a place where we can fully acknowledge and let go of all that we carry – including the grief of not being held regularly by a community of other beings. It is by being vulnerable together, openly sensing and being sensed by other beings, that we return to a felt-sense of wholeness, a sense of oneness, entering an interconnected space that interpersonal neurobiology researcher Dr. Daniel Siegel calls, MWe.

“The joy of gathering at Omega is theme and variation. The themes are friendship, celebration, and togetherness. It matters not if you are coming to Continuum for the first time or have been with the practice for many years, our purpose at Omega is to be in community. The variation comes from the collaborative efforts of the teaching team, the way they weave their collective knowledge through new explorations each year.” ~ Rori Smith 

It is the human developmental journey to integrate the relational self with our inner self. We can consciously choose to deepen this journey with experiences that counter the imprisonment of modern culture’s messages of separation. It is not possible to do this without being in active relationship with self, with other humans, and with the world around us. This week-long Continuum at Omega is a celebration of interdependence that provides counterbalance to the fierce independence we are enculturated with. Gathering in-person together to move, sound, breathe, and truly be our authentic selves is freedom amplified. It will nurture you for the months that lie ahead.

“Beyond a retreat, this Continuum gathering is a movement that will hold your heart and touch the mystery and depths of the continuum of life. Bathe in the waters of your being and enliven in practices that shed and clear, uncovering your being leaving space, like unfurling flora, to become.” ~ Nicole Faustini

Come experience the power of awe, the power of being in a place of possibility, a place of open awareness, interconnection, and love. It is time to dive in! Let’s discover what unfolds and emerges when each of us dissolves our resistance to change or adaptive growth. Let’s meet naked in our self-honesty, in a place of limitless possibility.

In this retreat, our work is to make ourselves more receptive – emptying and letting go so we can open to what is emerging in ourselves, each other, and the world around us.

Please give yourself the gift of this time-in and grace the rest of us with the gift of your presence and all that you will bring to our shared celebration of The Art of Breathing at Omega this June 30 – July 5, 2024.

With excited anticipation ~ 2024 Omega teaching faculty

Bonnie Gintis, Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell, Ellen Cohen, Robin Becker, Linda Rabin, Elaine Colandrea, Megan Bathory-Peeler and Melanie Gambino   (pictured left to right)

9:00 Arrivals on Monday
9:30 – 12:30 workshop session (M-F)
Lunch and Free Time
2:30 – 5:30 workshop session (M, T, TH)
Evening activities (various offerings)
Wednesday Evening: Watermark Arts Performance
Departures on Friday after Lunch

photo credits: Prue Jeffries